Reasons why to use the service "Airport parking"

Reasons why to use the service "Airport parking"

Airport parking is great opportunity for people who prefer to use their own car to go to the airport.

  1. One of the reasons to use this service is because you save money from taxi if you live in the same city.
  2. Moreover, if you live in another city or town you can travel more comfortable with your own vehicle instead of traveling by bus, waiting at the bus stops and caring heavy suitcases.
  3. Your car will be located on safety place, and it will expect you to come back from your journey. The parking lot has a barrier, security guard, lighting, and video surveillance.
  4. The biggest advantage is that it's your decision when to go, and what route to choose to the airport. You don't depend on the bus schedule and so on.
  5. On-line booking is so easy. You can do it by your phone, tablet, or laptop anywhere where you have access to the Internet. Book through the airport-parking website or through the website where you book your flight. After only few steps, you receive confirmation e-mail. Print it and show it when you arrive at the parking lot. Everything is included in your voucher: the address and the route how to find it, and contact information.
  6. When you arrive at the parking lot, you'll be kindly welcomed, they'll help you with the luggage and transfer you to the airport. When you return they'll take you back to your car.
  7. Choosing the "Airport parking" service you'll achieve not only comfort and safety, but also additional opportunities (there is an additional fee):
  • Car wash;
  • Refueling;

Plan your trip before you go and take advantage of the airport parking service.