Corporate policy and principles of work
The high performance company culture is a decisive prerequisite for achieving constant market success. As a leading national car rental company, „Modul” EOOD /„Top Rent a car” actively applies the principles of constantly maintaining high-quality level, professionalism and customer satisfaction. In every job we do, we strive not only to meet the requirements and expectations of our customers, but also to go further, exceeding them. In an effort to achieve and improve the fundamental goals and strategies, we pay primary attention to the preservation of the environment and natural resources, safe and healthy workplace, employee development, respect for human rights and needs as well as society expectations of the company’s activities.
The integrated socially-responsible policy of „Modul” EOOD /„Top Rent a car” is primarily oriented in several strategic directions:
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Quality policy
We strongly believe that - at the core of our business is the responsibility - to all of our clients, trade partners and employees. Our goal is to provide excellent customer services in a professional manner. We do our best to please our clients, satisfy their needs and keep them loyal. In order to meet and further improve their expectations, we perform constant analysis and workplace innovations.
The management team of the company is committed to maintaining a healthy and productive working environment in which people can further develop their abilities and achieve the organization’s strategic goals.
As a dynamically growing company in this sector, we understand that the moral responsibility to people is most important, because they are the one who build its success and its good reputation. The key to achieve the best results is through
motivation and staff recognition, special trainings and qualification programs, company high performance-culture, discretion and confidentiality. The well-being of our team is of the utmost importance, therefore we created a workplace where employees feel valued, happy and inspired. We encourage the constant communication between employees and management, in order to provide mutual respect and trust.
We are continuously striving to improve the quality - through technical innovations, more specialized employees, new cars and competitive prices, as well as comply with client’s demands and interests.
Equal employment opportunity policy
The implementation of activities by „Modul” EOOD /„Top Rent a car” is fully compliant with the principles of equal human rights and non-discrimination. Since the establishment of the company, we strictly observe and apply equality between men and women, as well as between members of different ethnic groups. Any form of intolerance or favoritism is unacceptable when recruiting new employees, working with clients, business partners or suppliers. We commit to prevent discrimination and eliminate all the activities leading to it, or when necessary.
All prospective candidates are assessed only against the essential and desirable qualification or abilities required for the job, regardless of gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, citizenship, origin, education, religion or beliefs, political opinion, personal or social status, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital or property status, pregnancy or maternity and many others. These principles are applied into the day-to-day work to ensure equality, fairness and respect for all employees.
Every year we announce to the institutions in charge the available vacancies for employment of people with disabilities. The staff of the company consists of different nationalities and age groups, where individuals’ differences are recognized and valued.
We strongly believe that involvement of representatives of other gender, ethnic, or professional groups, will contribute to reaffirming the principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination.
Environmental protection policy
As a socially-responsible company „Modul” EOOD /„Top Rent a car” are committed towards a greener and more resource-efficient future. Our aim is to constantly reduce our ecological footprint that we leave on the environment. We see sustainable development as an attempt to build more competitive economy with less harmful emissions. To accomplish this goal, we take various actions in several main areas. We always demand the partners which we work with, to have implemented environmentally policies in line with Western European standards for the production of efficient and high-quality motor vehicles. They must comply with the Community Strategy for reduction of Nitric Oxide and particulate matter, in accordance with European Standards, so the cars manufactured or purchased to fall in with these limits. In the last 3 years, we emphasize out attention to electric car manufacturers, therefore we began to invest in them more and more often. In addition, they are easy to operate especially in a busy urban environment, they are quiet and reduce significantly noise pollution. We always strive to encourage our customers to choose environmentally-friendly vehicles, thus contributing to less harmful CO2 emissions into the air. We want to be a leading provider of sustainable mobility and a role model for the protection of our environment, thus we demonstrate our commitment to sustainable development in a transparent and reliable way.
Policy on Health and Safety at workplace
We believe the successful social strategy of any company begins with the respect and responsibility to people who build its prosperity and its good reputation. The management of „Modul” EOOD /„Top Rent a car” is committed to follow legal standards and create the best possible work conditions and a hazard-free workplace. Our main priority is the health and safety of employees, which involves constant monitoring and record-keeping procedures, in order to identify potential danger and take appropriate steps to reduce or eliminate the risks. We strive to continuously improve workplace conditions by encouraging co-operation with management and workers to involve all employees in implementing the health and safety policy into practice.
We value our team and their well-being, that’s why we offer them additional health insurance or a multisport card to choose from. This includes full medical examination once a year, or a free visit to fitness center, classes etc. of their choice. We are committed to provide personal protective equipment for all, in accordance with the level of risk, adequate training and awareness of working conditions, encourage communication between management and employees and compliance with applicable legal and other health and safety requirements.