Travel with a car rental in Belogradchik
General information about Belogradchik
Famous with its rocks - Belogradchik is located in northwestern Bulgaria, not far from the Serbian border. If you have decided to visit Belogradchik with car hire from Sofia, you should know that the distance is about 170 km.
We strongly recommend you to check out this natural phenomenon and enjoy the beautiful views offered by the area near Belogradchik. The main attraction that attracts large number of tourists from around the world is about 200 million years old. Bizarre forms of red rocks bearing various names amaze everyone who sees them.
360° panorama view near Belogradchik rocks
Tourist sites around Belogradchik
One of the most interesting rock formations rise more than 100 meters. If you are worried whether you can reach to the rock formations by rental car, the answer is "yes". Besides rocks can be seen deep precipices and other landforms. The rocks are grouped into 5 groups.
- The Rider
- Madonna
- The Dervish
- Adam and Eve
- The Mushrooms
- The Lion
- The Monks
- The Bear
- Тhe Castle
- Shepherd Boy
- Zbegove (The Strongholds)
- ЕркюприяErkyupia
- Borich
- Pine Rock
- Bee Rock
- The Torlak
- The Maiden’s Cliff
Another sight that should not be missed is
Fort Tsitedela. Thanks to this fortress the locals managed to preserve from the attacks of enemies over the centuries.
Astronomy lovers will be attracted to visit Belogradchik, because there is
Astronomical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences. Visitors have the opportunity to observe the night sky through one of the telescopes located at the observatory.
Magura cave - one of the largest in Bulgaria
Fish lake - the largest tectonic lake in Bulgaria and is a favorite place for camping.
The best hotels and places to stay in Belogradchik, according to Trip Advisor:
- Hotel Skalite
- Guesthouse Geto
- Castle Cottage
- Guest House Drakite
- Gorski Rai Hut
Rent a car in Belogradchik
You can choose Sofia as a starting point for your journey to Belogradchik. Top Rent A Car offers direct deliveries of cars to all spa resorts in Bulgaria.
Belogradchik Fortress and Rocks By Pudelek (Marcin Szala) (Own work) [ CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons