Rent a car services in Bucharest
What is the fastest and easiest way to rent a car in Bucharest?

You can visit Bucharest and you can check all the interesting landmarks in the region with rent a car services. If you are already in Bucharest, we strongly recommend you to rent a car from our office. If you are arriving with a flight, you can request delivery to the Bucharest Airport, or directly to your hotel. You can book your car in Bucharest in three easy steps or you can contact our representatives on the given phone numbers. If you need more detailed information about our delivery and the transfer services, you can have a look at our page with Additional Services. Top Rent A Car services deliveries of rental cars to the Aeroportul Internațional Henri Coandă (Otopeni airport).
Rent a car services in Bucharest from Top Rent A Car
If you are thinking of visiting the beautiful capital of Romania – Bucharest, or you are already in the city, do not miss the opportunity to rent a car for your stay on a business trip or vacation. Rent a car services can help you a lot with the fast and comfortable transport in Bucharest and the whole region. You can make your booking through our website on the following page. You can visit Bucharest when you rent a car from one of our offices or you can make a quick booking by the phone: +359 700 89 050. We can deliver the car to every place in the city.

Top Rent A Car has 10 different office locations, but we can also make a delivery for our rent a car services to every spot in Bucharest and the country. You can see the location of all the offices here.
If Bucharest is the starting point of your trip in the country or on the Balkans, the booking process is not going to take you more than 15 minutes, but we advise you to make your booking in advance on our website or directly by the phone on our number: +359 890 170 170. This way you will have a guaranteed car just for you. Top Rent A Car’s kind employees will gladly help you if you need any kind of consultation, and they will make you an offer right on the spot at our office, by the phone, or via e-mail. Top Rent A Car offers a big variety of automobiles on special prices for rent a car services in Bucharest. You can take advantage of our extra discounts when you choose one of our special offers, about which you can get informed by our newsletters or by our Social Media profiles.
You can also take advantage of our special offers for extras – GPS, 3G Wi-Fi Internet, and more.
Why should you choose rent a car services in Bucharest?
Bucharest is a beautiful, modern, European capital of rich culture with plenty of interesting landmarks, which attract tourists from all over the World all year long. By choosing our rent a car services in Bucharest, you are guaranteed a quick, easy and secure transport in the city and the region. We guarantee you:
- A big variety of brand new automobiles – 1200 and more
- The best prices on the market all year long
- The best rental Terms & Conditions
- Convenient office locations; deliveries to a desired location
- Special discounts for loyal clients, promotions, games with prices, etc.